Embrace Your Artist's Way
A 12-week guided group journey through Julia Cameron's The Artist’s Way, a creativity course designed to help you reconnect with what inspires you, clear away artistic blocks, and rediscover what ignites your creativity.
You’ve been wanting to try The Artist’s Way, but just never seem to get around to it. Or you’ve tried to complete it, but struggled to stay motivated.
You’ve done The Artist’s Way before and want to experience those powerful transformations again.
You’ve gone through a recent life changing event that has affected your relationship with your creative self (gotten married, moved, changed careers, became a parent, adopted a pet, lost a family member, etc.)
You feel unfulfilled, frustrated, or disconnected from your inner artist
You are stuck, blocked, or burnt out when you think about your craft
You’re multi-passionate, and want to tap back in to all creative avenues that excite you